Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

Personal blip challenge

I decided to give myself a blip challenge and start having "blip theme weeks". I'll first decide a theme/subject and then take a photo of that theme for a whole week, or at least from Monday to Thursday. On weekends we quite often go out of town and/or meet people. I might not always want to stick to my themes on such occasions. And of course I won't do this challenge thing every week. But I have a couple of themes thought already. So at first I'm gonna see for a few weeks what I can do with those.

The point is to give a bit more thought to what I'm shooting. I also hope I'll find different ways to capture some particular target/theme. Since it's been a long time since I've last time blipped the market square construction I decided to start with that. So that's my blip theme at least until Thursday. We'll see what weekend will bring, whether I continue with the theme or find something else to blip.

This pic was taken very close to our home, from the end of the road that passes our house. Now also the market hall is being renovated. It's being covered with tarpaulin. First it's renovated from the outside. During winter it will be renovated also from the inside. The market hall will be closed for a few months then.

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