Prickly Day

Appointment with a consultant about my hearing this afternoon.Private hospital through the NHS.Arrived fifteen minutes early for an appointment at 1.45 to be eventually seen at 2.15 so I am not in the best of moods when I get in simmering gently if you like.
First question what are you here for?My ear.Which one?Right.Whats wrong with it?I can't hear through it (starting to get seriously pissed off now).Do you have your hearing test results?No.Why not?My doctor has them.He hasn't sent them to me so there is nothing I can do.You will have to have another test here next week and come back and see me at the end of November.
He had obviously made no preparation before the consultation.The NHS had wasted money by not sending over the test,having to pay for another one and a second consultation.Little wonder the NHS is always moaning it is short of money.I detest incompetence but most of all I hate my time wasted.
I have had the pleasure of two medical consultants recently both arrogant bastards.

Lots of blipping to catch up on and replies to make.

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