youngies journey

By youngie66

Bond Is Back And Lishenshed To KILL !

Well I was at work today sitting spare and then my brother came in as well just after finishing his job and he was telling me about one of our workmates going to the toilet at work this morning he was just about to sit down when he heard a noise below him only to find a Rat swimming in the pan well as my brother describes our mates words he almost shat himself lol good a place as any I thought any way they got the pest control out but it had swum back through the U bend and went elsewhere as it had been seen in some of the other loos at the depot there is a lot of building work going on so obviously there nests are being disturbed and are exploring other places to hide so I was sitting in the messroom this afternoon when a cleaner stated the Rat was back so I thought ok time to resurrect Bond so as I worked at Edinburgh Zoo before I started in the railways I was used to dealing with Vermin so I headed to the Lavvy and this was my view in trap three so I took this shot of the Rat having a swim I gave him Red eyes to make him look more evil then with my trusty Loo brush and a piece of wood I pulled him out of the water but still on the porcelain and as the old song goes knock three times well it was clunks actually and then a another shot for proof of extinction then he was flushed on his merry way my only regret was not being there to hear my male workmate screaming like a girl this morning lol apologies if I offend anyone but vermin is vermin hopefully it wont make anyone nervous of going to the loo so this was the excitement for the day at work Remember keep the lights on the next time you go :-))))

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