Return to the North

By Viking

Glory to God

Sis and I headed out to Beverley again late afternoon to see two more literary figures. 
Firstly it was Tracy Borman an excellent historian who has written a number of books as well as appeared on TV on a series or two (this week she was on Great British bakeoff talking about Tudor food :-). She gave an excellent talk on the Private lives of the Tudor monarchs. I am a HUGE fan of history (and in fact did a couple of History papers in NZ on Medieval life and one on the Reformation) and so the Tudor period is a big favourite of mine (and sis too) Tracy was very entertaining and engaging.
We then had an hour to kill before going back in to listen to the poet Simon Armitage. Again another wonderful entertainer, fabulous poet in his own right, professor and in this case translator of 'Pearl' an epic poem written in middle English and probably written around the same time as Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales'. Simon read some of the translation as well as some of the Odyssey and other items he has written. A truly engaging, gentle and warm man.
The shot is looking up at the Minster front entrance. Every time I see a great cathedral I marvel at the craftsmanship and blood, sweat and tears that went into the building for the glory of God. I hope that the workers found the glory and that the rich men who paid for it in the hopes of salvation repented for their sins too.

It is one of the many joys I missed while being in NZ - the ability to 'nip' to a gig / literary event like this and also the history. Touching the stones of the minster today - stones put there over 800 years ago goes right to the very soul of me

Other shots can be found here including some potentially very old graffiti :-)

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