Bowl of beetroot

Today's the day .............................. to fast

After the excesses of being away on holiday and therefore subjected to a tempting array of homemade cakes for morning coffee or afternoon tea, icecreams, fish and chips (and let's not even begin on some of the lovely restaurant dinners that we had) - the time has come to go on a bit of a diet.

There was a Horizon programme on the other day entitled Eat, Fast and Live Longer which was all about how Scientists are uncovering evidence that short periods of fasting, if properly controlled, could achieve a number of health benefits, including shedding a few pounds along the way. The presenter, Michael Mosley, fasted for two days every week - but on the the 5 non-fasting days he could eat whatever he normally did. You can read about it here.

So we are going to give it a go for a few weeks. But just in case things get desperate, Will made himself a bowl of beetroot today................................

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