Hoggin the Bridge
It's that time of the year again. And we had to work hard on the weather!
I woke up early this morning with the sound of drenching stair-rod rain hitting the window. Oh bother, I thought (well, something like bother anyway), perhaps I'll give it a miss this year. But that would be like giving in...
So I got Morrigan out of the garage and winked at the clouds. As I left the rainclouds drifted northwards and the Sun came out. There weren't many bikes at the meeting point when I arrived, and I found myself in the first hundred bikes.
As people realised the weather gods were smiling more and more appeared on such a fantastic variety of bikes (and outfits) and Hoggin the Bridge was off to a great start, again.
This is a charity ride for Meningitis and other charities. You can see the front half of the assembled fleet here, and it's definitely a "where's Wally" kind of picture. Not hard to see the hard man braving the elements... can you find Wally? Of course not, he's holding the camera...
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