Moral Dilemma

Yesterday I decided to place the big bird feeder
closer to a window.  I took the feeder down, looked
inside, and this is what I found on top of the
sunflower seeds.  A nest of immature mice rested
there.  Inside the house I went, shouting:  "Moral
Dilemma, Moral Dillemma!"  Of course, I brought
the feeder with me to show my husband.  We discussed
what to do.  I touched them and they were cold!!
I couldn't bear to kill them, and here they were
dead already.  I don't know what happened to
the parental unit, but what good thinking to build
their nest in a bird feeder.  They were cute, and
I hated dumping them over the fence sunflower
seeds and all; but that is what happened.
May they rest in peace!

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