Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Turo Park

With Bb away very early (in the taxi to the airport at 4.45am) to Abu Dhabi, I took myself off for a walk. The weather's beautiful, must have been mid 20s today. I stopped for coffee and a tiny (honest, it was tiny) apple pastry and then walked to Turo Park (just 20 mins walk away) which is a beautiful city park in a very well-heeled area of the city and very popular on Sundays with strollers of all ages , dog walkers and families with wee ones. There's a big lily pond, beautiful trees and flowers, a children's play area and a little cafe bar. All very civilized. After walking more round that area, admiring all the very posh bakeries, I ended up having lunch on Plaza Concordia - a good value menu del dia. All in all, I was out and about for 5 hours. During all that time, I kept checking a new app that Bb and I recently discovered, which lets you follow plane routes. I was able to see where his plane was all the way from Rome to Abu Dhabi, see the speed, the altitude etc. all very interesting! It was fun seeing it approach the airport and land!

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