rapid getaway...

...by a duck

looking sideways at me - as i take the parting shot...

he was no match for me anyway... i tried smooth talking him - the geese had been creating a ruckus for no reason at all - chasing each other around the lake... being somewhat bullying towards one another - that gave up some fun shots - then i saw this lonesome little guy - he just had that look on his face... do you ever get a feeling for some of our animal friends? want to visit with them a while - chat a spell - make sure they're okay... well - it's sort of how i felt towards him... but he wasn't having any of it - he spied me heading his way... kept his eye on me - you can see him watching me - then just when i thought i had him under my spell... boo!

up he went - but those wings - remember some time ago i was telling you how duck wings sing to you? they make the most glorious sound... so his did as he lifted up - giving me only enough warning time for this one shot of him in the air - graced against the waters edge... it was enough though - to make for...


happy day.....

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