
As an esteemed member of the advanced age brigade, not only am I eligible for a bus pass and an annual flu jag, but this year I am eligible for a shingles vaccination into the bargain. I am delighted because I have seen the misery of shingles in older people and it is never pleasant.

Today I opted for the flu jag, but not liking to chance my arm ( note the play on words there) in having two separate inoculations giving me possible reactions when my Stobo visit is only days away, I have put the shingles jag off until next month.

I remember with something akin to horror the vaccinations of my childhood, when we school children stood in line, one sleeve rolled up, like a battalion of squaddies and watched our classmates get inoculated one by one in front of our eyes, for what I don't think we ever knew.
It was terrifying to watch and hear the wailing and crying that went on before your turn came. These were the good old days where life was fairly brutal for children and the needles were blunt.
Nowadays the needles seem so much sharper or else age has inured me to the jabs.

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