Some things never change!
For Merv!
My book about Marianne North finally arrived yesterday. I think that Amazon must have had a run on them following the TV programme about her. She was clearly an amazing woman, artist, naturalist, Victorian Lady Traveller and she has a whole gallery devoted to her nature paintings at Kew Gardens (in fact I think she may have instituted it and paid for it herself), nevertheless her paintings are amazing. I've just begun to read it and came across the following quote, which seems to have parallels for what is happening at Wentworth Castle Gardens where huge Beech and Oak trees are being cut down, some things and people never change, eh Merv!
... Marianne recalls being shown specimens (Giant Redwoods) 15 feet in diameter and nearly 300 feet high being sawn up for firewood. `It is invaluable for many purposes,' writes Marianne, `and it broke one's heart to think of man, the civiliser, wasting treasures in a few years to which savages and animals had done no harm for centuries.'
Other than that I've been wasting the day trying to sort out some blown highlights on a couple of images I'd decided to include in my LRPS panel .. and failing! I've decided the time has come to look for alternatives!
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