To no avail
Fungi hunt in Bradley Woods came up blank... V nearly fell in the mud, and probably wishes she hadn't left her "proper shoes" in the car...!!
Lots happened today, but mostly I can't talk about it... suffice to say that at least I like my regional union rep, and he seems to "get" our scenario. Hotel clearly not happy I am leaving so soon... trying to get me to carry on working till they find replacement... Sorry, no can do! To be fair, I understand their chagrin...
Lots of paperwork to do for my new job, and V for college (personal statement, student finance application, etc.). She had to write an unannounced timed essay today, having written more or less nothing since June exams... (except romantic emails, but let's not go there...).
Didn't really sleep today after night shift (grabbed power naps here and there), and Bex came round after school - heart-warmimg to see how comfortable she is with V.
Nice chat with the lady in Littlefields chippie (no.1 "restaurant" in Grimsby on trip advisor recently!!!) - funny how exchanging pleasantries with a stranger can be so uplifting / mood changing. Though still looking forward to a good night's sleep...!!
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