First steps .....

A day of cattle work. A heifer calved next door, but the calf a wee bit chilled after last nights heavy rain. Brought her into the shed till it thaws out a bit.
A rodeo next to bring the spring calving cows down, give the calves their first pneumonia vaccine then back to another field. Took the Angus bull away from them and put him out to 27 heifers. He didn't seem to mind !
The vet out to castrate one of the calves that wasn't done when it was wee because like the song says "he only had 1 ball " a quick go with the scalpel and job done .
This wee calf was just born tonight when I went round to check the cows. I sat for a minute to watch it get onto its feet and try and find a teat. The cow is a bit excitable and kept rumbling round and was a bit twitchy with her feet so it may need to come in in the morning if it's not sucked. Seem to remember she had to be talked to last year too .

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