'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Water or Petrol

One can always drink beer instead of water to quench one's thirst, but it a waste to put whisky in your tank to get from A to B.

C is not well. He was up the whole night with a splitting headache due to his blood pressure being through the roof. He changed medication on the 22nd, but was put on the lowest dose. It didn't owrk and on the 7th the dose was doubled. It didn;t work and on the 14th he was given another tablet to take with the existing one. It didnlt work. Today he was told that the tablet added on Friday was a water tablet; similar to the one he is already taking, and not for his blood pressure at all. Now he was given another blood pressure tablet, which he can only start taking tomorrow morning. He was looking and feeling better by the time I got home, but he will stay at home for another day because the table will make him feel sick when taken the first time.

Leftover chicken with gourgette pasta and tomato & musroom sauce for supper.

Letter writer to The Telegraph 2011

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