Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

San Remo Jetty.

Spent most of the morning between San Remo and Shelley Beach. Shot away happily at both locations. It was a grey day though and I really couldn't get very enthused about any of the images in my camera. Perhaps I was just having a bit of a downer, or my photographers eye wasn't connected.
Looking at the images on the computer, nothing really jumped out at me. Anyway I processed a few and ended up at the one above. It was rather bland in its colour version.
I did all the basic processing in Lr 4.1 and did the B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro. I really love this program - it enables me to achieve results with B&W that I can't achieve any other way. And I feel that I can get close to what I would achieve with B&W film. In the above specifically Kodak Tri-X. And the ability to easily dodge and burn is just wonderful. So I was pretty happy with the above result - despite all the hunting around earlier.

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