
By SherriM

Sunset in the Woods

Another sunset in the woods...I feel like I have to take advantage of the beautiful color while I have it because soon enough it the woods will be gray and senna.  

Most my others are taken near the house.  This one is at the southwest fence, looking out on the neighbor’s 360 acres, where years ago it was once covered in pine and owned by a paper company.  After the disaster of the pine-beetle plague, and rather than re-forest, they bulldozed the dead pine down and sold the property.  It’s been sold several times since, and the current owner is now building a ‘hunting lodge’ of sorts.  

But back to the trees...that’s why the woods seems to fall off just past the tall ones in the center of the frame.  I’m almost at the top of the hill, but mostly its because the trees over there are young and still relatively short compared to their towering elders on our side of the fence. 

PS--This is backblipped but not for lack of trying on my part. Tried for over an hour last night to get it to upload and finally gave it up for morning.

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