Tough Day

As young lads approach their 16th birthdays they discover girls, alcohol, driving lessons and other distractions hence the dwindling number of Under 16 sections at local rugby clubs.
Indeed some clubs with previously healthy mini and junior sections now have virtually no teams but especially U16's and Colts. Those clubs that do have teams in those age groups are now more like 'district' teams than club sides and of course as they become more successful then lads from already struggling club sides gravitate to them.
These 'district' teams can boast squads in excess of thirty but with only fifteen on the pitch and seven subs young lads, keen on rugby, can go a couple of weeks without playing a competitive match.

And so it was today, Falmouth, still a traditional club side, more than held their own in the first half against one of the larger 'district' teams. Denied possession for long periods they defended well and arrived at the half time break only 10-5 down. Coached at half time to "carry on the way you are and enjoy it, spread the ball wider and go at them", was in real contrast to the rollicking the opposition was receiving from their coach; "Simply not good enough" was repeated a couple of times.
Inevitably Falmouth flagged and conceded several tries but never gave up.
Onwards to the next match in a fortnight against another of these 'district' clubs.

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