Dirty knees!

On the way back from doing the morning opening of the girls as Colourful Mai is celebrating her 50th in Kenya with her son, I decided to stop by the sunset trough! Imagine my delight when I saw these gorgeous cows at the trough! Only when I was processing the photos did I see they all had dirty knees! I was reminded of the expression "Angels with dirty ..." but couldn't remember what they had which was dirty so googled it. Don't google dirty knees! Thats all I'm going to say!!! I did find a link to Teletubbies dirty knees - those naughty teletubbies! 
Vegan Jo's friend was calling in for a coffee in the afternoon so I tidied the kitchen - just as I finished she knocked on the door! What timing! To my delight she brought not just her teenage son but Oscar,her 4 year old black lab. What a gorgeous dog he was! Tilly was not happy! She and Polly had to go back in their run and she stood in it complaining loudly at that...or at Oscar! She is fearless! Oscar looked at her from the safety of the back step but went no nearer! So I had a lovely chat and a great cuddle and smell of Oscar! I do love the smell of dogs - but not all have the smell that my dog max had, luckily Oscar did! The only low point was that all the talking aggravated my cough - so no more talking for the rest of the day - not even to the Chickens or FatCat!

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