Fire Extinguisher

We found this today in a vintage shop in Monmouth. I had to have it because it reminded me of my youth, and we'll put it somewhere in the industrial Big Tiny. When I was growing up, my dad operated a fire equipment business. Starting at about 10 years old, I worked with my dad every summer, and one of my jobs was to refill extinguishers such as this one. This particular type is a Soda Acid extinguisher. The main chamber is filled with soda water, and in the middle is a glass chamber containing sulphuric acid. My job was to empty the container of both soda and acid, and refill them both. Soda, and acid. Can you imagine entrusting your 10 year old son with handling sulphuric acid? 

Yet one more reminder: How in the world did we live through our childhood?

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