Shona J

By Iana

I do not think I have ever done so little at work before. I helped to set up the board room for a wee meeting which turned into a big meeting. Helped someone buy there secret Santa gift & got wet in the process it was raining (got some chocolate for my efforts though). Then went out to lunch at a great Chinese restaurant with 6 people from work. After that I did a few bits of photocopying & filing & that was it. Felt quite strange not doing much. Tomorrow is our works Christmas lunch which I organised & the secret Santa to.

This is a picture of my fellow FAB Team workers Ian & Norrie. The funding for the team does not look good, we still have not got the letter confirming or declining the funds for another year yet. I am just so glad I have another part-time job at the CAB with the BAP Project till March, then that funding is up.

Have a good night :0)x

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