Sweetie box?

Well no.  They are half-half beans that grow like runners but have much shorter pods - see extra.  My entry for Abstract Thursday

My camera has died and been taken to see what can be done - as it has died  and been resuscitated 4 times already I'm hoping there might be a replacement on the horizon.

Copied from Youoregon1's (Robert) Blip.

This will probably be the last week I will be able to host the Abstract Thursday Challenge due to a demanding work schedule. My fifty plus hour work week pretty much puts a hole in most of my waking hours, and my time with Layne has just now become even more limited. Anyone interested in taking on the challenge, indefinitely or monthly, should give me a shout so that any possible transition can be smoothed out.
Message my latest blip, or at cameraready.roberto@gmail.com

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