That Boat Is Small

Those Ships Are Far Away.
Suitably nautical for Trafalgar Day.
Also the 50th anniversary of Aberfan. A minute's quiet contemplation at 09:15 this morning. I was surely too young to actually remember the day itself but I can remember being aware of it from a young age. As people have written about this week it was a disaster that played out in the papers and on TV. And the circumstances of it, young children killed at school having been waved off by their parents, must have touched every family with young children. I remember driving past the village when I visited my friend S in South Wales, seeing the row of arches in the graveyard from across the valley. Hard not to be angry too at the way the NCB behaved. Using money from the disaster fund to pay to remove the remaining waste tips above the village rather than doing what should have been done before. Another Hillsborough where justice took years to be done.

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