From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Open to boats.....

...but not traffic at the moment. Tower Bridge was so quiet this evening but still looking as magnificent and beautifully illuminated. It was great to watch the bridge open to allow a restaurant paddle steamer to pass through, also well lit and with happy revellers on board. 

I met my youngest sister at London Bridge and we walked along by the river before deciding to eat at Ask...well known, tried and tested. 

When we left it was well into the evening though the night was yet young for the many for whom the weekend begins on Thursday evening. Great to see her and LOTS discussed, tossed around and laughed over.

I caught a train home almost immediately  and although she was travelling in the opposite direction, we always seem to arrive home within minutes of each other. Each waited until we got the "I'm home" message, before heading for bed. 

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