
By Fisherking

...........Long winded...........

Yesterday two district nurses visited........they couldn't get any blood out of me.............we had a long chat about my swollen leg...........and they put a dressing on for me. They also phoned my GP to arrange an afternoon visit........and their boss to register all my details on the system so I'll get regular visits...........and the adult care team to arrange  a visit to see  what equipment I might need to make life easier.

The GP duly arrived....we had a long discussion.........and she left me a prescription..........and another appointment for a blood test next Monday.

I phoned the MS nurse.............and a physiotherapist to arrange some home visits.

And what was the outcome of all these meetings and phone calls? Just exactly what I thought almost three weeks ago...........when the hospital started to treat me for a DVT. I don't have a DVT!!!! I have an infection.............namely cellulitis!!!! The prescription is for antibiotics.......500mg four times a day....................2000mg a day!

The pressure dressing is causing pain..........and lack of mobility.............but it's going to steadily improve..............I have 10 days worth!!!

I'm bloody annoyed! Not because of all the time used up in my recent visits to hospital...........not because of all the pain......not because of the stomach injections..............but because it's taken three weeks to get the diagnosis right..........and in those three weeks the infection could have spread tp other parts of my could even have mutated into septicaemia...............and been fatal.

Today the GP rang............shes spoken to the doctors at the hospital.............and I don't have to give myself any more injections!!!!

Therese came to visit.............Rob and Sue arrived..............Sue changed my dressing..............the Daughter visited and we ate together........she's buying herself a puppy for Christmas.

So.....all in all.......despite the pain..........a couple of pretty good days.............and maybe in 10 days time the swelling will be well on the way to being gone........the physiotherapy will have started........the mobility will have improved...........the pain will be much car will have had it's annual service..........and I'll be able to drive again.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

P.S. Can any of you spot the deliberate spelling mistake?

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