The Andrew Pinckney Inn, Charleston, SC

This evening finds us in Charleston, South Carolina.  We are staying at the historic Andrew Pinckney Inn which seems to be right in the middle of all that the wonderful historic district has to offer.  We arrived a few hours ago, after a long, scenic (read "avoiding interstates") drive from Aiken, via Savannah, Georgia where we stopped for lunch. 

The lobby staff seem a little off-putting ... not terribly interested in helping out-of-towners of a certain age orient themselves, or suggesting places for a nice dinner.  They seem overly concerned with appearing "hip" and "cool" which we find a little irritating.  Surely when one is in charge of an inn in a major city, one should be aware that the great percentage of guests might be from out of town, and not familiar with their surroundings?  When we inquired about a pleasant place to have dinner, we were diffidently told about two places, with a vague forward-thrusting gesture as to their purported whereabouts!  (Sorry if I am starting to sound like an old woman!!!!!)  We found the first place suggested, and upon inquiring about the possibility of an 8:00 reservation for two, were informed the earliest they could seat us would be 10:00 p.m.  We didn't bother trying to locate the second suggestion.  We figured that it being Friday night, we were doomed!

The room is very nice, and I'm sure we'll just stride off on our own tomorrow, and have a lovely time!

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