Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


Rayssa is probably one of the most importante persons in the life of our extended family. She saved Ella and Aristoteles from certain death, went to great lengths in her efforts to find the cause of Lunas allergies, and always reminds me in time when our animals need a vaccine. 

(I'm a bit in a dilemma here: Everybody on blipfoto seems to live in absolutely gorgeous places. All the beauty I get to admire in your pictures makes me speechless. Every day. Yet there are also unattractive places on this Earth, especially where humans interfere without much thought, without thinking about the effects their actions will have on their environment. The city I live in is ugly. There's no other word to describe it. But it's the place I chose to spend at least part of my life at because of the wonderful people I met and continue to meet here, and I would love to show it to you and tell you a little bit about how life is in Brazil in a city far away from the postcard sceneries everybody knows (Rio de Janeiro with its colorful carnival and Salvador with its more than 300 beautiful churches are each 900 km from where we live). I'm still trying to figure out how to do that in a way that might still be appealing.)

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