
By Aliscotia

Lunch with Wilma

Wilma is over from Australia so on Friday I "popped" up to Glasgow to see her for lunch. This is us standing outside the premises of what was "The Upper Crust" a sandwich shop where we got our lunch most days. We were at Strathclyde uni and it was a short walk across George Square (with Wilma ducking the pigeons) to get an egg and cress roll and a tunnocks wafer from this cafe in Royal Exchange Square. Sometimes a cake from Greggs if we were pushing the boat out. So here we were 36 years from the time we started this routine and a kind passerby took the shot as we reminisced. Texann was often with us as was Lesley who will see this on facebook. Happy memories of formative years. We learned a lot and we had such a laugh!

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