I had no idea how bad these lil toenails need cutting til I saw them bigger than life in 10 mp :O

I love his lil tootsies!

I havent been feeling too cheery - my older boy's father suicided a few weeks ago and it's been a bit hectic (it's not too bad, before anyone wants to ask - he hasnt seen the boy in most of the last 3 years, nor called or anything else so it's not easy but it's not as brutal as it could be either)

Today they went out to finish the last lil bits of shopping and I downloaded christmas musics and wrapped all the presents and felt much perkier after. We have 8 christmas movies to watch for all day on the 24th (with hot chocolate!)

We're planning on going to the Charles Dickens Theme Park on Sunday and the Christmas Day Walk actually on Christmas so we got happystuff to look forward to.

With any luck I am getting my new 50mm 1.4 lens for xmas rather than my birthday but I doubt it :) but either ways, lots of photos coming, yay!

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