Formby Point

Saturday 22nd Oct 2016 (1519)

I had an early night last night and I still couldn't get up this morning! When I got out of bed my ankle was still painful so I decided not to go out as planned but to give it a rest. 

Standing was ok so I spent most of the afternoon cooking. My freezer is now fully stocked and I can almost get to Ch_______ without cooking again, so I am all set up for the next two months! 

Mid-afternoon the sun was glorious so I decided to go out for some fresh air ... but I had to wait for my fruit loaves to finish cooking. By the time I got out and arrived at the woods in Formby the light was fading. I had a gentle stroll around the squirrel walk and saw a number of red squirrels but didn't manage to get any good shots. I wasn't happy with any of my potential blips so I moved down to the beach. The sunlight was glorious and I was in the process of capturing the reflections in this pool when this couple walked in to my shot. From then on it seemed that wherever I wanted to be someone else decided to get in the way. I enjoyed my time on the beach but eventually I had done enough as walking was still difficult. Judging by the sun on the way home I should have stayed an extra half hour. 

Looking at the photos on the computer I decided this couple made a good silhouette, looking across to the ship. 

Last day of the holiday tomorrow so I want to make the most of it.  

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