Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem


Okay so apparently i rant...a lot. My friends who read my other blogs tell me my rants are becoming legenday. However for some reason i have never really let fly on here. I don't really know why, maybe it's because i like to use profanity...a lot.

There seems to be this massive problem with the C word. I mean why? It's just a 4 letter word, it's only one letter off Hunt. Most people don't have a problem with the word Hunt...obviously a few of the great unwashed tree hugging hippies do but what the freak do they know?? They don't even know what a razor is.

I regularly drop a C bomb into a coversation or a blog just for a reaction. The way i see it, it's all about intent. If you call some a big fat useless cHunt to their face, in front of your nan i can understand people wincing a little, But if im having a chat with my mate Dave discussing....i don't know...lets say that useless fat cHunt Tyson Fury, i think it is perfectly okay to drop a C bomb, Because it's the truth, he is. What annoys me is when the Mother Teresa in the corner of the room sucks through her teeth and starts to cry because that word is so offensive....offensive?? It's a freaking word..and not even aimed at her. For chist sake grow a pair, man up and stop being such a freaking child...since when did the sticks and stones rhyme become redundent?

Now you want to talk about words offending, maybe you should try listening to D-Nubz or Rinchy Stidrer or some other freaking shite talentless noise that that godawful radio station, radio 1 plays on loop 24 hours a day.

Done. Tomorrow i touch on that book that everyone is talking about.

Photo courtesy of my front garden.

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