Ironman at the Toledo Zoo

We pulled into the zoo at 9:55, noticing that all the kids (and many adults) were in costume. We knew they were having a special Halloween event, but we thought it was separate from the zoo admission. (It wasn't.) There were princesses, superheroes, and lions and tigers and bears. Seeing them, of course, Merrick wanted to turn into Ironman.

They had 25 stations set up for the trick-or-treaters. And...they were passing out the good stuff. Handfuls of mini candy bars, bags of Cheeze-it crackers, and one of my favorites...caramel Cow's Tails.

We had a fun day, but I am tooooooo tired to go through all of my pictures tonight. Maybe on the morrow.

This big polar bear stayed in this same spot for well over an hour. It is one BIG bear.

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