and beer and burgers
What smokers have lost in having to bugger off outside the pub to smoke is surely more than compensated for in the little breaks of nice peace and quiet and lovely cold air they get now that they're becoming slightly rarer and as the weather gets colder meaning that there are now not so often as many of them outside the door making a racket and stench as there are people inside. I bet that at his chuffing-site outside the window Eddie didn't suffer the effects of the acoustic peculiarities of the room which seemed to channel a particularly loud and LOOKATME barking laugh (with selected accompanying unfunny witticisms) right into my ears from the other side of the room. Of course, to their disadvantage smokers get lots of nasty things heading into their lungbags through their throatpipes which is never a good idea. Hopefully one day there won't be any of them so that normal people can pop outside the doors of pubs for genuine fresh air when it gets too noisy, hot or publike inside. Thankfully the second work festive pub-visiting event marks then end of the festive work pub-visiting event season for this year and should be the last occasion for a while when I have to attempt to balance attempted socialising with exposure to large amounts of other people exposing their sociability in a confined (and frankly rather ill-lit, at least in the section we were in) space.
Back to work for a bit tomorrow but only for a little bit. I would say I'll be out by lunchtime but that would only result in me ending up there until after four. A bit is less specific and therefore less likely to be incorrect.
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