excerpts from a life

By berfin

To the Unknown

I thought long and hard about whether or not to write, or post something about this day -- (I'm writing this from much later).

I hadn't taken many photos. I didn’t even think of taking a photo to resemble the day. Ironically enough, I now see that one of the very few photos I took that day actually resembled what I saw when I looked at my life at that moment, in a way. 
I wrote pages and pages about it, and I think I finally, finally reached the core of it. Then I noticed: it's meant to stay within me, and maybe within the nights I talked out loud to Mor.

But what I can say is, it was a silver lining, it was a warm day bathed in sunshine, it was the sun kissing my skin every time I walked under it, it was your hands of fire. Thank you for the memories, with all my heart and soul.

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