It doesn't get better than this!

A fantastic fall day here, with temps in the low 60's, the sun shining and the trees looking so beautiful! A perfect day for a walk in the woods! I couldn't believe there weren't more people around, as I was alone on this part, but when I went around the corner at the end of this trail there were lots and lots of bikers, runners, and people like me who were just out strolling around enjoying the great weather while we have it! There was a story online yesterday saying that "some areas of the U.S. need to brace for an early severe snowstorm"--fortunately not the midwest, but unfortunately the media blows everything out of proportion, making it sound like it's a shock to get severe snow! As Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell  (Game of Thrones) was so fond of saying; "Winter's coming"!   :))

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