the colour green

By jukeys


Have had toothache the past couple of days and today it is agony! In fact, the tooth has been hurting me for about a year now and I have seen two dentists, both of whom have told me it's just sensitivity and there's nothing they can see on the X-Ray.

I was starting to think I had 'tic douleureux', a thing my gran had which is a type of neuralgia. She had constant pain on the left side of her mouth all her life.  She had a wee intervention done to fix it and ended up with permanent numbness - no more pain, but she used to have problems eating and sometimes would bite the inside of her mouth without realising and end up with an infection.

Had a horrible day trying to get to the doc's in the morning but just ended up waiting for so long that it was time to go and I hadn't been seen!  Then tried to get a dentist appt. with any of the dentists in the area and they were all refusing because they're so full.  Went for a sleep in the afternoon and woke to Pierre telling me he'd managed to get me an appointment with his dentist (who I'd already cried down the phone to earlier in the afternoon and he'd still said no!).  Miracle worker Pierre!!!

Ended up with an appointment at 7.30pm.  Got seen at about 9pm and was out just before 10pm! The poor man - no wonder he doesn't want to accept anymore clients/emergencies! He x-rayed and there was nothing!!!!  Argh!!!! He said the only thing we can do is drill into the tooth and see if we can find something - basically, go on an exploratory mission.  I was happy for him to try anything!  He drilled and there was a bloody abscess!  I have never been more relieved!  He got it all cleared for me and patched me up, telling me to come back in tomorrow to get it temporarily filled.  I will sleep better tonight!  

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