Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Toby teenager

Toby has learnt the phrase 'I'm bored' recently and applies it to most situations where he doesn't get his own way. This arvo not happy about the two hour trip back from Shropshire and having to spend 30 mins of that watching Peppa pig (his sister's choice) even though he got an hour's worth of starwars.

Busy morning at the farm. Mike spent the morning putting in loft insulation. He's earned lots of brownie points this week both with me and his mother and father in law. Not many who would give up their last few days of annual leave to help out like that. I expect there will be some sort of bike related pass out required as compensation!!

Had a lovely big family roast dinner. No Pete and Rachel and boys as they are on hols but Auntie And came to make up the numbers to twelve.

Home via the stables and lime seemed a bit unsettled in the new field. Unfortunately whilst mares and geldings are separated all summer and in every other field in the winter, in our winter field we have one mare which seems to set all the silly boys off whilst they adjust and find their place in the pecking order. Lime is a little bit in love with this mare, but the little floozy has chosen a new boyfriend this year. Not sure if lime has challenged this and been sent on his way but he was very nervy round them this evening and charged off back up to the top of the field when he heard them coming up behind him. Fortunately no kicks or bites that I could see on him.

Got home to a huge cardboard box. My new bike is finally here!!

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