horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Knock Knock

This morning I was glad of taking the decision to stay up in Ellon the night before the Knockburn round of the Scottish CX series. Just an hour to skip south-west, rather than 2 and a half at least heading north, meant time for a relaxed breakfast, and no rush through the rolling countryside.

For my own race I rolled in 68th out of 82 starters, and it's probably a mark of my increased ambition that I'm a little disappointed to move further down the field (percentage of starters wise) than the last race, and therefore further away from my 'top half' aims for the season. Work to do. Though plus points include distancing myself from the riders I was around during the first race a fortnight ago, and once again having enough left in the legs to just, just, just snatch an extra place by a bike length on the line with a tank-emptying sprint.

Wet, muddy, fun. Say no more.

Nice that my dad decided to pop over and watch as well, and he genuinely seemed to enjoy the day.

Ken and George deposited home, beer and roast dinner consumed. Might just have a wee nightcap.

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