Golden Road

Take the Golden road she said. It's spectacular she said. It's an experience she said! Who said? My friend said. What she didn't say was only take it when youre not racing to catch a bloody ferry from Harris on the Sabbath when everything is shut! Yes the Golden road was awesome, yes it eas an experience i will never forget driving 50 miles an hour on a single track road with more humps than a caravan of Tunisian tourist carrying camels!! Meeting most of islands wee frees on their way to to an evening of Hell & Damnationand fighting over who passed the passing places first not to mention two dugs desparate fpr a pee and a sullen husband who was convinced he eas going to meet his maker round the next hairpin bend!!#. Finally made it to the next island and now sevetal large drams later the entire experience is almost a dim and distant memory. Moral of my tale? Don't do the Golden road on a Sabbath trying to catch the last ferry off the bloody island.

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