My Aim is True


The hamster that loved Puccini

The gorging has started. It was quite late on today before I actually ate "normal" food. Lots of gifts appearing today from suppliers, all gratefully received, opened/decanted, divided and consumed. And there's still 2 weeks of the eat-athon and drink-athon to go.

Why do people that you see regularly insist on popping the Xmas letter into one's Christmas card? I don't want to be un-seasonal , but I actually know what their son is really up to - and why they can't stick that info on their letter......

And then there was another one from people who I really can't shake off. they had a minor stoke of luck, not even life-changing (most of us would have been quite envious and called them jammy buggers) and they have advised all recipients of their (boring) letter that it was God's Will.....shame he can't actually do anything about the problems in the world (too busy looking out for a pair of auld codgers it would appear).

In other news; I have wrapped the Secret Santa, and think that this may be the best one I have bought. Let's hope i don't get a heap of shit as usual.

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