Yes, I know...

I've blipped the carousel horses before when they have been in town. But I do like them and their brilliant colours. I've not seen anything else worth blipping today.

Well, I went to my parents' and their garden was alive with birds, but they all hid or flew away when I went out with my camera. Otherwise it has been a very unremarkable day.

I have work tonight, and I'll be happy if it stays unremarkable - I can do without more of last Monday's drama thank you very much!

Oh yes, something did make me very happy last night! My photo that I Blipped on Wednesday won the Facebook Pic of the Week - category- Odd Couple! ! That was a lovely surprise!

I've set the topic as The Spookier the Better for this week, so if you're on Facebook, why not join the Pic of the Week group and give it a go?

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