Diwali Light Show

Lights in the Window was advertised as part of the Diwali celebrations in Leicester. At an address on New Walk. And they're only on between 5.30 and 7.30 pm Monday to Friday, last week and this.

In my bid to capture something of Diwali in Leicester, I drove into town. I really should have looked at the information on Google maps a bit more thoroughly as it did say exactly which organisation 50 New Walk housed. Silly me, I saw this, and walked on up to Waterloo Way before realising I'd gone well past #50.

Maybe the display might have had more impact if it had been projected in the dark. You should be able to make out a coloured pattern in the middle window. The patterns were changing constantly.

Classes were ongoing in SoftTouchArts, a charity which aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged children through the use of media and art.

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