Growing up!

Toby settled well last night - late - but well and woke up at 5!!! I got up and played with him and as he quietend down again I fell asleep on the chair!

We went into school today to start changing classrooms. Toby's 'guinne run' worked well.

At the end of the day we all went to Hetties as normal. It felt a little party like as everyone was finished for the summer. Naimh joined us after her 'leaving primary school' meal/party. As the piano player struck up one of her favourite songs she jumped up and said she was going to ask if she could sing along! So she did! And she sang beautifully. The whole cafe stopped to listen and cheer when she had finished! A little beautiful 'growing up' moment!

Back home to a manic pup growing up!!!  :)

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