David hard at work...

Dear Diary,

David came this summer and cut some trees on my property and yesterday he came to start splitting it.  He nearly finished the pile of cut logs and I worked at stacking it in the cellar of the barn.  He'll be back next week with some additional wood and to finish it up.  I will be using the old wood stove soon as the weather continues to get colder.  My first oil delivery for the season arrived yesterday too; the writing is on the wall!

I will have plenty of time the next two days to stack wood, as long as my back holds out, because I am house bound.  The car is at my wonderful mechanic's garage to see if the transmission problem can be fixed.  I've got fingers and toes crossed that it isn't something major.  I need four new tires too so it will be a costly week for sure.

Fall clean up continues, there is so much to do.  The next couple days look clear but more rain is predicted for Friday and Saturday which will be good.  People's wells are going dry around town!  I'm okay so far, more fingers crossed I guess.

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