No man is an island 2

Here's the little island from yesterday when the tide is up and the mist is down and the wind has dropped! An ethereal feel today, all luminous slatey greys and stillness. I stopped for a quick wander on the strand and two seals were playing close by, gently dipping and diving.

Hearts now for DS53, a great selections - you can see them all here - but my faves this week are:
Derelict Sunday by Terry Bob, getting ready for Halloween, a real Hammer house of horrors, and a dark history to go with it
Cheese Eggs by Treshnish, a treasure trove, tinged with sadness. It reminded me of Scott's cabin in the Antarctic.
Retro Petrol  by Soletrader, great colours and something very Irish about it
 Breast Cancer Awareness Month W   by Marlieske, who's doing a daily pink photo for the whole of October and has found a great bit of dereliction
Seen Better Days  by Greg Lovett, nature and humans encroaching on this old building

Thanks to everyone who took part. I'll be doing the honours for this week - DS54 and the theme is spooky - then Serpent will be taking over.

Off to a talk in Kilcrohane Village hall tonight. There was an archaeological excavation and inquiry at the old Bardic school during the summer and yer man is coming back to report on findings. Could be interesting.We'll all be there. For some reason it reminds me of Graham Norton's new book Holding, set in a fictional Irish village! Has anyone read it? Actually rather good - very gentle and well observed, tackling a lot of issues.

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