Miss Huffy Puffy

I was surprised that she actually seemed glad to see me when I got home from my vacation.  She's spent a good amount of time in the last week sitting on some part of me (no small matter with an 18 pound cat).  Her kitty-sitter, Thomas, treated her well, so I don't think she could have had many complaints.  The entire time I was gone he sent me texts twice daily, with pictures, and when I got home I found a pile of "report cards" detailing her playing & eating habits.  Since Lizzie is diabetic she has to have insulin twice a day at fairly regular intervals and with Thomas I have absolutely no worries about her care.  An added bonus is that Lizzie loves him and that's saying a lot -- she's still not sure if she likes my daughter so "Aunt Lisa" approaches with caution lest Lizzie take a swipe at her (which she has done more than once).   

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