Everything is Wonderful, Being here is heavenly
I was concerned this year, that some trees appeared to be dying with out the glorious display of colour...
But today, I was reassured that Autumn was doing it's job properly. There are four trees outside our office (between the office and the car park - there are hundreds of trees between the car park and the runway... ).
Look at this... all four trees are exactly the same, like traffic lights - green to the bottom, yellow in the middle and then red on the top - the occasional one at the edge being brown.
Tonight was the cats appointment at the vets for their booster.
The vet wasn't the regular one, this vet was 12. But he was very, very good, and even Bean, who hates people passed out with love against him, head butting him and purring loudly, despite the needle in neck.
Beau was completely freaked, and howled the whole way, and was very, very silent on the way home. She's chilling now, by watching autumn watch. Really enjoying it.
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