watercolor painting...

...of a lily

just once more


i can promise nothing - in this current state of mind - i'm in - those who have also struggled through the grief process will - certainly understand what i am saying - one minute you feel fine - while the next, waves of grief are washing over you - it doesn't care where you are either - in public or the sanctity of your own home - it just hits and there you are - unsure of what to do - how to act, or respond to anything - anyone - which is why i say i make no promises

these days i am simply walking it 1day at a time - attempting to muddle through the best i can - because i know it's what my sis would want - and in just a few days - i will be staring down the 9th anniversary of the death - of my beloved daddy - i don't know if it's ironic or what - that my sister is taken now the beginning of october - while we lost our daddy towards the end of the month - what is it about the month of october? - it's really crazy - however there is a plan for everything and i need to have hope in that - find peace in it - knowing ultimately it will lead to...


happy day.....

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