A cure?

Wednesday 26th Oct 2016 (1523)

One of these must work, surely?

My ankle has still been hurting but then, about 4pm this afternoon, I took a step and "twang!" It was as though my ankle had exploded! Ouch or words to that effect. The person I was with suggested the walk-in centre. I declined on the basis that they would just tell me to rest it. 

By 5pm it was rather painful. I decided to go to the chemist to buy a tubigrip and ask their advice. They advised the walk-in centre and wouldn't recommend strapping it. I made some arrangements for cover for a meeting at my house this evening and dutifully went to the walk-in centre (or should that be hobble-in centre?).

At 8pm I was released from the walk-in centre with a free tubigrip and instruction to rest it and try not to walk!!! At least the peace of mind is there that I haven't done any major damage ... even though it feels that way! 

I got home half way through the meeting. I didn't have any tea and I'm feeling sorry for myself. I decided the above medication might help!  

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