Texann Times

By Texann

A bright, bright, sunshiny day (outdoors and in)

Our autumn weather is really beautiful just now, sunny and warm with lower humidity, so I was a little sad that my tennis league team match was at an indoor venue today.  Indoor tennis is always a bit alien to me.  My partner, S, and I did get to enjoy the sunshine on our 45 minute drive to these courts in town though. (I only had my phone camera with me today, sorry.)

S and I hadn’t played together in a very long time before yesterday, when we lost horribly, so we weren't holding our breaths for today’s outing.  Not sure if it was because of the previous loss or whether we actually do prefer indoor tennis after all, but we played brilliantly (if I do say so myself), had great fun and won decisively.  I’ve barely won a match in this league in years, so we drove home, back through the bright sunshine, feeling really chuffed with ourselves!

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