Something fell off?

We walked the Cloisters this morning (nothing to do with last nights curry) but a narrow strip of beautiful garden linking the south of Paradise island where we are, to cabbage beach on the north, just under a mile long. Its famous for wedding photos, which we sort of photobombed one by accident!

You can’t get right through at the minute as the hotel at the top is closed for repairs following hurricane Matthew. CUE RANT: I can’t believe how unsympathetic some people are towards the Bahamians when something isn’t quite working right! They’ve just had a hurricane!!! The wifi may not work occasionally, when the main powers off the backup generators are a little noisy GET USED TO IT!!

So we walked back down the cloisters (Versailles gardens) and on into Atlantis zone, and Antony’s.

It was just for a couple of diet cokes but hunger took over and it ended up as Conch fritters, bread and wings! I think the conch is giving us vivid dreams, last night I dreamt mum was asking us about something but in a broad Jamaican accent? Which no one else seemed to think was odd! The night before I was an ambulance driver with one of my customers as my co driver, we were arguing with our manager about terms and conditions? Meanwhile Lea in her dream was in a haphazard queue waiting for a boob job?
Anyway after that feeling stuffed (the bread was literally a loaf) we decided to walk all the way back, (in fierce heat of the day!) Diving in the pool was great.
We finally made use of the islands taxi service in the evening with a trip to Atlantis by night, blowing $5 in the casino, and eating ice cream in tubs while checking out the yachts in their private harbour.

Even with all its bling and extravagance, fancy restaurants and shops, we both agreed given the chance we wouldn’t swap it for our place!

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